Author @nodarii
Status Approved
Created Jan 21 2025 7:33 PM
Updated Jan 26 2025 5:00 PM
DiscussionGithub Discussion
Original Author: [email protected]
This proposal introduces a method to convert hierarchical data models into verifiable, issuable data structures leveraging Merkle trees. The approach ensures data integrity, privacy, and selective disclosure for both onchain and offchain usages. By assigning unique identifiers to data elements, hashing key-value pairs, and integrating salted values, this creates a robust data certification mechanism. Verification mechanisms enable efficient proofs for individual data points while maintaining privacy and security. Blockchain applications often require verifiable data representations for use cases like identity verification, certificate issuance, or auditability. This proposal addresses challenges such as brute force attacks on exposed data, privacy in onchain sharing, and efficient verification by:
Aleo record
record Certificate {
private owner: address,
private issuer: address,
private hash: u64,
async transition issue(
private subject: address,
private issuer: address,
private hash: u64,
private sig: signature
) -> (Certificate, Future)
is the issuer signature on the hash
of the Certificate model illustrated below.
transition verify_ownership(
private certificate : Certificate,
private leaf: u64,
private merkle_proof_subject: field[]
) -> bool
Certificate Model
key1: salt1 value1
key21: salt21 value21
subject: saltX value
issuer: saltY value
type: saltN value // certificate type: kyc/educational/membership, etc
private: [ ]
Certificate Hash Calculation
Flatten hierarchical data into normalized key-value pairs. Normalized key-value pairs:
(key1) : salt1 value1
(key2,key21) : salt2 value21
(subject) : salt3 value3
… so on
Hash each normalized key to create unique identifiers for corresponding values. These identifiers are public data for a specific certificate model from an issuer.
key_identifier = hash(type, issuer, normalized key)
key1_identifier = hash(type, issuer, “key1”)
key2_key21_identifier = hash(type, issuer, “key2,key21”)
… so on
Salted Values To prevent brute force attacks, concatenate a salt with the value before hashing:
key_leaf = hash(key_identifier, hash(salt, value))
Key identifiers and values are combined and hashed to create leaf hashes:
key1_leaf = hash(key1_identifier, hash(salt1,value1))
key2_key21_leaf = hash(key2_key21_identifier, hash(salt2, value21))
The leaves are sorted and hashed to compute the certificate hash:
leaves[ ] = sort_asc([key1_leaf, key2_key21_leaf, …..])
certificate_hash = merkle_root(leaves[ ])
Verifier Verification involves proving the validity of a data point using the Merkle proof:
transition verify(certificate: Certificate, salt, value, merkle_proof_of_leaf) {
key_identifier //hardcoded_key_identifier
leaf = hash(key_identifier, hash(salt, value))
verify_merkle_root(certificate, leaf, merkle_proof_of_leaf)
// your logic here
User Interaction Applications requiring value inclusion check request the user for the merkle proof on a value of a key identifier with a parameter: Key Identifier. User responds with the salt, value and the merkle proof. The Verification logic looks as below:
transition verify_value_inclusion(certificate: Certificate, salt, value, merkle_proof_of_leaf) {
key_identifier //hardcoded_key_identifier
leaf = hash(key_identifier, hash(salt, value))
verify_merkle_root(certificate, leaf, merkle_proof_of_leaf)
// your logic here
Applications requiring key inclusion check request the user for merkle proof of a Key Identifier. User responds with the hash of corresponding salt + value and merkle proof without exposing the salt nor the value. The verification logic looks as below:
// data = hash(salt, value)
transition verify_key_inclusion(certificate: Certificate, data, merkle_proof_of_leaf) {
key_identifier //hardcoded_key_identifier
leaf = hash(key_identifier, data)
verify_merkle_root(certificate, leaf, merkle_proof_of_leaf)
// your logic here
Aleo Compatible Data Conversion If the data is a string, first apply encodeToF(data) to convert it to a field type
// normalized_key = "key1,key11,..."
keyIdentifier = hashField(encodeToF(`type`+`issuer`+`normalized_key`))
salt_hash = hashField(encodeToF(salt))
value_hash = hashField(encodeToF(value) // if value is a String
value_hash = hashField(value) // if value is a field
leaf = hashMerge(keyIdentifier, hashMerge(salt_hash, value_hash))
Aleo compatible Operations
hashField(data:field) -> u64 {
return SHA3_256::hash_to_u64(data)
hashMerge(data1:u64, data2:u64) -> u64 {
const BASE:u128 = 18446744073709551617u128; //BASE= 2^64+1
return data1 < data2 ?
hash128(data1 as u128 * BASE + data2 as u128) :
hash128(data2 as u128 * BASE + data1 as u128)
hash128(data: u128) -> u64 {
return SHA3_256::hash_to_u64(data)
transition verify_proof(
certificate: Certificate,
leaf: u64,
proof: [u64;32],
) -> (bool) {
let computed_hash:u64 = leaf;
let zero_found:bool = false;
for i:u8 in 0u8..31u8 {
if(proof[i] != 0u64 && !zero_found) {
computed_hash = computed_hash < proof[i] ?
hashMerge(computed_hash, proof[i]) :
hashMerge(proof[i], computed_hash);
}else {
zero_found = true;
return computed_hash == certificate.hash;
Offchain Selective Disclosure
When revealing specific data points for offchain usages, use a private section to store hashes of shielded leaves.
key1: salt1 value1
private: [
Certificate Hash Combine hashes from the Private section with revealed data and compute the Merkle root
leaves[ ] = sort_asc([revealed_leaves + private_hashes])
certificate_hash = merkle_root(leaves[ ])
Incorporate metadata
for additional offchain data.
, private
and metadata
are reserved keywords and []
is a special symbol appended to the key containing an array value.private
and metadata
are not included in the certificate hash issued onchain and are for offchain uses (0x20)
. So, the salt should not contain a space in itself.SHA-256
hashing algorithm is used for all purposes.encodeToF Implementation
function encodeToF(input) {
// Define Fp as the modulo base
const Fp = BigInt("8444461749428370424248824938781546531375899335154063827935233455917409239041");
// Convert string to UTF-8 byte sequence
const utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder();
const utf8Bytes = utf8Encoder.encode(input);
// Convert UTF-8 bytes to little-endian unsigned integer
let result = BigInt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < utf8Bytes.length; i++) {
result += BigInt(utf8Bytes[i]) << BigInt(8 * i); // Little-endian shift
// Take modulo Fp
result %= Fp;
return result;
Certificate Sample
name:Alice Wonderland
Normalized Certificate
type:2fc55f97-a9a3-4ed7-8815-634441580111 KYC
issuer:d64266d2-b9cd-46c2-8ed1-284f96916353 aleo123456
name:1b13c461-8ed4-420a-b1f4-9d6b1f84decc Alice Wonderland
dob:03dff77c-f450-43ac-a8a6-54fdfe8fd58c 1737213145
Calculate Key Identifier
encodeToF("type") = encodeToF("KYC"+"aleo123456"+"type") = 34518023219516878712502898596091663702347field
encodeToF("issuer") = encodeToF("KYC"+"aleo123456"+"issuer") = 2551123260008996174638407298389558793613826379field
encodeToF("name") = encodeToF("KYC"+"aleo123456"+"name") = 34513910798710461507111079899315413670219field
encodeToF("dob") = encodeToF("KYC"+"aleo123456"+"dob") = 130842721073966073778397858519836744011field
type_identifier = hashField(34518023219516878712502898596091663702347field) = 10446307579264726606u64
issuer_identifier = hashField(2551123260008996174638407298389558793613826379field) = 2814991933338693718u64
name_identifier = hashField(34513910798710461507111079899315413670219field) = 9542943440922567689u64
dob_identifier = hashField(130842721073966073778397858519836744011field) = 7553963441159233578u64
Calculate Leaves
Encode the salt and value
encodeToF(type_salt) = encodeToF("2fc55f97-a9a3-4ed7-8815-634441580111") = 4627873708036106866105690824943210139526495281608421305002800650924139945535field
encodeToF(type_value) = encodeToF("KYC") = 4413771field
encodeToF(issuer_salt) = encodeToF("d64266d2-b9cd-46c2-8ed1-284f96916353") = 5007416004099739579900811505314075173701371646709136087321901192545139447002field
encodeToF(type_value) = encodeToF("aleo123456") = 255989228916169135975521field
encodeToF(name_salt) = encodeToF("1b13c461-8ed4-420a-b1f4-9d6b1f84decc") = 5542136064011455447732190366687764001002631315870503937113503002855558914138field
encodeToF(name_value) = encodeToF("Alice Wonderland") = 133495928218707390983326110945227926593field
encodeToF(dob_salt) = encodeToF("03dff77c-f450-43ac-a8a6-54fdfe8fd58c") = 7304753691959740694777277560332690949244175568276288257230442595215705351000field
dob_value = 1737213145field
Hash the salt and value
type_salt_hash = hashField(4627873708036106866105690824943210139526495281608421305002800650924139945535field) = 11398935134570363188u64
type_value_hash = hashField(4413771field) = 11957017686122452459u64
issuer_salt_hash = hashField(5007416004099739579900811505314075173701371646709136087321901192545139447002field) = 11725745787159980657u64
issuer_value_hash = hashField(255989228916169135975521field) = 3389449752597723648u64
name_salt_hash = hashField(5542136064011455447732190366687764001002631315870503937113503002855558914138field) = 7618075299001000677u64
name_value_hash = hashField(133495928218707390983326110945227926593field) = 15677524595047486542u64
dob_salt_hash = hashField(7304753691959740694777277560332690949244175568276288257230442595215705351000field) = 8111974644445170344u64
dob_value_hash = hashField(1737213145field) = 905007618703667086u64
Calculate Leaves
type_leaf = hashMerge(type_identifier, hashMerge(type_salt_hash, type_value_hash) = hashMerge(10446307579264726606u64, hashMerge(11398935134570363188u64, 11957017686122452459u64) = 3493762364786270799u64
issuer_leaf = 2885257838413858146u64
name_leaf = 1977705045598954156u64
dob_leaf = 3824841577554724530u64
Merkle tree and Root Calculation
leaves = [3493762364786270799u64, 2885257838413858146u64, 1977705045598954156u64, 3824841577554724530u64]
sorted_leaves = level 0 = [1977705045598954156u64, 2885257838413858146u64, 3493762364786270799u64, 3824841577554724530u64]
level 1 = [hashMerge(1977705045598954156u64, 2885257838413858146u64), (3493762364786270799u64, 3824841577554724530u64) = [16628724507032849692u64, 9662023429270085602u64]
root = hashMerge(16628724507032849692u64, 9662023429270085602u64) = 7849773981907115583u64
Verify dob
dob verifier
transition verify_dob(
encoded_salt: field,
value: field,
proof: [u64;32],
) -> bool {
const ROOT:u64 = 7849773981907115583u64;
const DOB_IDENTIFIER:u64 = 7553963441159233578u64;
let computed_hash:u64 = hashMerge(DOB_IDENTIFIER, hashMerge(hashField(encoded_salt), hashField(value)));
let zero_found:bool = false;
for i:u64 in 0u64..32u64 {
if(proof[i] != 0u64 && !zero_found) {
computed_hash = hashMerge(computed_hash, proof[i]);
}else {
zero_found = true;
return computed_hash == ROOT;
leo run verify_dob 7304753691959740694777277560332690949244175568276288257230442595215705351000field 1737213145field [34937623647862
Leo ✅ Compiled 'issuer.aleo' into Aleo instructions
⛓ Constraints
• 'issuer.aleo/verify_dob' - 1,508,343 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Output
• true
Not necessary.